Securing the Super Bowl

Anyone who knows me well, knows that I don't really give a crap about football or any major sport, for that matter. However, most of my close friends and family are totally into it. And I want them to know that great effort has gone into making sure everyone is safe and having a good time.

Securing the Super Bowl: from the DHS blog

Concerned about security & privacy?
Before you decide to be all weirded-out, paranoid & judgemental, do yourself and others a favor, research and look for FACTS from official .gov sites.

Here's a couple official sites to get ya' started:

DHS Privacy Impact Assessment

NIST Public Safety/Security

TSA Traveler Info

DoD IbC Policies

DoD Plain Writing Act of 2010

DoD Annual FON Reports

NSA Civil Liberties and Privacy Resources


DoJ: Dispelling Myths on the Patriot Act
